Religions are no longer up to date / Obsolescent

There is hardly any association that can be seriously excluded!
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Religions are no longer up to date / Obsolescent

Post: # 2Post masauwu »

Some great thinkers have rightly claimed that „Religion is Poison”. I assume that they were all thought up and created exclusively by humans. Partly inspired by the great spirit, totally false connections made and abused for all sorts of possible and impossible purposes. So to speak, an instrument of power, mistreatment of countless creditors, misleading through false claims, unfathomably gigantic material enrichment, etc. In practice, a very long list of minor and very major offenses. Since an absolute unification of all religions and correction has not been achieved in the last two years, this has to stop immediately. Even so-called esotericism no longer has any right to exist, since the maximum level of negativity has long been exceeded.

There is no longer any debate about its continued existence, but there are very good realistic and truthful alternatives. Real shamans, who also like to call themselves wizards, have rediscovered the absolute truth very conscientiously and with full devotion. No effort was too much for them, there were always trustworthy witnesses and even fear or death could not deter them from their path. Many are currently alive here on Earth and there are some highly recommended books to read. In memory of „Carlos Castaneda”, I recommend, to begin with, all of his writings without reservation. Finally, I must mention his very honorable teacher, „Tata Kachora” alias „Victor González Sandoval”, currently residing in Baja California, Mexico. ¸👊️
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